Dosage : As a rule of thumb our customers have been largely starting with one teaspoon for animals 500 lbs and under and a tablespoon for animals 1000+
Each animal is different much like humans and depending on their unique physical chemistry, temperament, and the desired result may need a bit more or less. There will be a measured scoop inside the container to make portioning easy.
All of our products are made from compliant industrial hemp (<0.3% THC)
*Please do not attempt to ride an animal on this product unless you have observed their behavior multiple times using it and know they will be predictable.
*Approximately 12,000+ Mg of CBD/CBD-A per pound.
CBD-A is the raw form of CBD when it has has not been altered by heat or decarboxylated in the extraction process.
*CBD is not yet approved for livestock destined to become meat/food
* Consult your veterinarian for questions regarding medications and treatment
*We are not responsible for how your animal behaves, we recommend observing your animal for a period of time on the Steed product before you attempt to engage the animal in normal activities, especially riding.
Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold Northern Virginia Hemp Company L.L.C & Virginia Hemp LLC harmless to any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of legal actions. By purchasing or using this product you consent to these terms.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.