After working in CBD product sales for a national brand of cannabinoid products shortly after the 2018 Farm Bill was passed, I recognized the need for self regulation in the hemp industry and grew tired of encountering poor quality CBD products being represented as equal regardless of production methods.
It was at this time that Virginia opened the door to hemp licensing and commerce, so I started Northern Virginia Hemp Company L.L.C. as a platform for the production of safe, high quality, hemp based products that utilize local and regional family farm operations, including our own.
The story of our company is also the story of returning to agricultural work on our family farm where I was raised. A place where reputation is also key to success.
My goal was to produce the best Co2 Extracted, CBD Oil product possible from HOME GROWN HEMP that would be safe for humans and animals, and that is exactly what we have done!
Our premium Co2 Extracted CBD Oil is Farm Fresh, produced locally in a state of the art food safe lab facility, certified for human consumption, pet safe, and is compliant with Federal, State, & Local Laws.
I have had a hand in every step of the creation process and I know you have many options in this competitive CBD market. So I hope you will let our personal approach, our family farm values, and our quality made products speak for themselves.
Luke R. Greer : Owner, Founder & Grower : Northern Virginia Hemp Company L.L.C (Virginia) & "Virginia Hemp LLC" (West Virginia Distribution Wing) : DBA "Virginia Hemp"