Quality Conscious - Regionally Sourced Hemp & CBD Products
Built on a foundation of community, quality and trust.
Safe, legal, & effective.
Built on a foundation of community, quality and trust.
Safe, legal, & effective.
While most other companies have taken a national or even global approach to the CBD industry, we have taken our concept in the opposite direction. We have localized our production process. All of the farms, extractors, formulation labs and businesses we work with are hand selected for quality first - from those that are nearest geograph
While most other companies have taken a national or even global approach to the CBD industry, we have taken our concept in the opposite direction. We have localized our production process. All of the farms, extractors, formulation labs and businesses we work with are hand selected for quality first - from those that are nearest geographically in order to provide the best possible product available.
Northern Virginia Hemp Company is a licensed grower and producer of hemp and hemp products from our family farm in Loudoun County Virginia.
As the industry evolves, regulations change, and our business expands we have established Virginia Hemp LLC dba "Virginia Hemp"
as our distribution wing in
West Virginia. This allows us to provide the best service and products available for our customers while remaining competitive over a larger territory.
Virginia Hemp LLC is registered
for the distribution of hemp products and animal feed
from our website VirginiaHemp.US
Required : These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. CBD Products are not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult doctor prior to use.
Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the seller to any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of legal actions. We reserve the right to refuse any order that does not comply with these terms. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
CBD (Cannabidiol) can be extracted from the hemp plant in a few different ways.
The most common and least expensive is solvent based (alcohol/ethanol//hexane) extraction.
CO2 Extraction while more expensive is the safest method - in that it leaves no solvent residue. In our opinion, this is especially important when it comes to animals - a
CBD (Cannabidiol) can be extracted from the hemp plant in a few different ways.
The most common and least expensive is solvent based (alcohol/ethanol//hexane) extraction.
CO2 Extraction while more expensive is the safest method - in that it leaves no solvent residue. In our opinion, this is especially important when it comes to animals - as any residual alcohol/solvent could potentially be very dangerous to our beloved pets, much like we see in dogs who consume peanut butter that contains Xylitol. Studies are in their infancy regarding CBD products in general, so we don't take chances and go the extra mile, to ensure the equal safety of our 2 legged and 4 legged customers. We believe in giving our pets the same quality products we would give members of our family.
This does not mean there are not very decent solvent extracted products out there, we simply choose to be cautious. We invite you to make your own decision...
The official word from FDA.Gov :
Regarding Class 3 solvents, the guidance suggests that these are “Solvents with low toxic potential to man; no health-based exposure limit is needed….It is considered that amounts of these residual solvents of 50 mg per day or less (corresponding to 5,000 ppm or 0.5 percent under Option 1) would be acceptable without justification. Higher amounts may also be acceptable provided they are realistic in relation to manufacturing capability and good manufacturing practice (GMP).”
Hemp pulls everything out of the soil, both good and bad. For this reason it thrives in nutrient rich healthy soil.
Hemp will also pull toxic materials from the soil if present as well, which makes it wonderful for cleaning the environment but can pose a problem when it comes to CBD products.
For this reason we source only from trusted f
Hemp pulls everything out of the soil, both good and bad. For this reason it thrives in nutrient rich healthy soil.
Hemp will also pull toxic materials from the soil if present as well, which makes it wonderful for cleaning the environment but can pose a problem when it comes to CBD products.
For this reason we source only from trusted farms in the USA, and all of our products are manufactured using a registered and inspected food processing facility.
All of our products must be Compliant on both National and State levels, and contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC
US Farm Bill
(Section 7606)
Why Full Spectrum?
Full spectrum CBD contains all compounds naturally occurring in the hemp plant, this includes terpenes, essential oils, and many other beneficial cannabinoids.
Full spectrum compounds work together to magnify their possible therapeutic benefits - Creating what is know as the "Entourage Effect"
"Previously believed that CBD in its isolated from was more effective than Full Spectrum CBD; however, in 2005, this theory was debunked by a study from the Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology in Jerusalem. " - Aaron Cadena : Cbd-Origin
All sales are conducted online at this time, as it allows us to focus on the farming, production, marketing, and quality control aspects rather than retail store management.
It works well for retailers like Amazon, and with 15,000k - 20,000k hits to the website monthly, our web traffic supports the growth of our business at this time.
Orders ship via USPS First Class or Priority on the same business day whenever possible or on the following business day.
CBD is generally considered safe, though on rare occasions it may cause mild adverse reactions in some people.
Side effects seen in studies include :
CBD Oil could potentially interact with certain medications, specifically those with a grapefruit warning on the label. So if you have any questions about specific medications, we encourage you to ask your doctor or a medical professional before taking.
"Both grapefruit and CBD interfere with cytochromes P450 (CYPs), a group of enzymes that are important to drug metabolism." - healthline.com
Each person, animal, and customer has a unique chemistry.
We encourage everyone to start with a small amount and increase until the desired result is reached.
This creates a safe baseline and helps to make our products last a little longer.
The rule of thumb we use for adult humans is to start with 4-5 small drops and increase as needed up to one full dropper which contains roughly 20-25 drops.
For dogs and other small animals, the rule of thumb is 1 small drop (not dropper) per 20 lbs.
An animal less than 20 lbs would receive a half of a drop or less.
More information on Pet Safe CBD oil can be found here
NO! You need only be 21 years of age or older.
As the state of Virginia continues to make gradual progress towards legalizing recreational and retail cannabis, many people are looking for safe, reliable, local sources of hemp products that do not require a medical card or a trip to the dispensary. Northern Virginia Hemp Company L.L.C & Virginia Hemp LLC are a great option for those looking for legal hemp products. We offer a wide variety of options, including CBD oil, full spectrum tinctures, edibles, topicals, pet safe CBD and more that can all be ordered online from the comfort of your own home, and delivered to your door by mail.
All of our products are made from high-quality, compliant hemp, that is grown in the commonwealth of Virginia.
We do not offer tours of any kind at this time. We grow CBD hemp to be extracted for consumable products so in the interest of protecting our crop, our customers, and the potency of our harvest, we do not allow the public in our fields. This greatly reduces the chance of pest, mold, plant disease, and cross pollination. Touching the plants can also reduce the potency if the tiny trichomes which contain the CBD and other beneficial elements of the plant are damaged.
NVHco & Virginia Hemp
Purcellville, VA 20132 & Hurricane, WV 25526
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